Welcome to HERO

The Home Energy Renewables Optimisation Platform built for suppliers of renewable solutions in the UK.

Image of renewable sources of energy and green economy solutions - electric car charger, wind turbines, heat pumps, solar panels.


At Habeo, we understand the challenges faced by suppliers in the rapidly growing renewable energy sector. That’s why we’ve developed HERO to help your business find and connect with customers that would most benefit from your services.

A map of the UK with pins to identify potential areas, pop put boxes showing 26 New Leads and 12 Follow Up tasks. An EPC score chart and data graph representation.

Advanced Data Analytics

Leverage powerful insights to identify and connect with your ideal customers, optimise your marketing and outreach strategies, and improve your conversion rates.

Create your Ideal Customer Profile or use our toolkit to find out who your ideal customer is. Then run this in your target areas and discover where you need to focus your growth marketing strategy.

A display of tools available for suppliers - branded reports, personalised letters, home efficiency survey, tracking energy efficiency and book or contact options.

Comprehensive Supplier Toolkit

From educational resources to marketing materials, HERO provides you with the tools needed to effectively communicate the benefits of renewable solutions to homeowners.

Mailing outreach that you can do yourself or utilise our template written in your brand voice with a dedicated QR code for quick sign ups and easy tracking.

Photo of an installer placing solar panels on a roof and 5 star rating. Image of a couple at home discussing with a surveyor.

Seamless Connection with Households

Stop blanket marketing on social media or using PPC and paying for leads which don’t go anywhere. Instead connect directly with customers that would most benefit from your services and are interested in making their homes more sustainable.

Save money

Get organised

Track results

How HERO supports your business

Customer Profiling & Targeting

Use data-driven insights to pinpoint households most likely to benefit from your renewable solutions, bringing precision to your marketing efforts and reducing costs.

Streamlined Business Operations

HERO not only helps you attract customers but also supports you in speeding up pre and post-sale administrative tasks, from quotes to installations.

Property Information Integration

HERO integrates comprehensive property data, allowing you to tailor your offerings based on specific household needs, reducing friction in the sales process.

Early Revenue Opportunities

Join our exclusive product panels and gain early access to HERO’s features. Influence the platform’s development and start generating revenue quicker by being at the forefront of innovation.